Exhibit of drawings and paintings inspired by the Bonni Leu Banyard Pollinator Garden


“In the garden,” the new exhibit showcasing the observational drawings and paintings inspired by the Bonni Leu Banyard Pollinator Garden will be on display, Jan. 13-Feb. 24, with an artists’ reception where light refreshments will be served, 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Stone Ridge Library, 3700 Main St., Stone Ridge. Featured artists include Lynn Friedman, Judith Zeichner, Mavis Harris, Loretta Murin, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Donna Calcavecchio, and Mary Gruszka. For more information, visit stoneridgelibrary.org or call 845-687-7023.

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Lynne Friedman’s work is part of the “In the garden” exhibit at the Stone Ridge Library, with artists reception, 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the library where light refreshments will be served.