“In the garden,” the new exhibit showcasing the observational drawings and paintings inspired by the Bonni Leu Banyard Pollinator Garden will be on display, Jan. 13-Feb. 24, with an artists’ reception where light refreshments will be served, 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Stone Ridge Library, 3700 Main St., Stone Ridge. Featured artists include Lynn Friedman, Judith Zeichner, Mavis Harris, Loretta Murin, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Donna Calcavecchio, and Mary Gruszka. For more information, visit stoneridgelibrary.org or call 845-687-7023.
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Lynne Friedman’s work is part of the “In the garden” exhibit at the Stone Ridge Library, with artists reception, 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the library where light refreshments will be served.